The right Dungeon Master mindset

A fun Dungeons & Dragons game is obviously not a one man’s job. We all have known a player with a terrible attitude which quickly became contagious and caused a shift in the mood around the table. That being said, nothing can destroy a game as fast as a bad Dungeon Master. Now, don’t get me wrong, by bad I do not mean that an inexperienced DM. Everybody got to start somewhere and it is fine. Before learning any of the technical material required to put an adventure in play, you need to understand the most important aspect of a great adventure which has nothing to do with your technical skills. It is about having a clear idea about your role as a Dungeon Master.

ART BY Michael Komarck

You are not the enemy

I am sure this is obvious to a lot of you, but I have seen too many new DM’s forget that simple fact along the way. Your main goal is always to provide an interesting and engaging game for all it’s participants. With that in mind, you should always be some kind of neutral entity. Actively trying to kill the players is no fun and excessively easy to do. The secret is to build an emotionally gripping fight by hitting that sweet spot where the adventurers often find themselves in danger where poor decision making can lead to disaster. The opposite is also true, you don’t want to save your players with your mystical DM powers too often. A sense of risk is definitely part a thrilling game, you don’t want your group to feel protected, they are adventurers after all. Just to be clear, if you feel like you incorrectly balanced an encounter by mistake, it is one of the rare occasion where you should be using your DM’s power and adjust a few numbers here and there.

Adventure is not linear

This has happened to me more than once. When you are so invested in your own story, and you have a very clear idea of how the plot should go, you tend to forget a very important factor. Once of the most valuable aspect of D&D for most players is how they are allowed to take meaningful decisions that will affect the rest of the game. You have to accept the idea that more often than not, events and encounters might turn out quite differently from what you initially had in mind. Instead of trying to force the players to do whatever your think is the right choice (which can be quite frustrating for everyone around the table) you should embrace chaos. Things are hard to predict, and that is one of the most interesting thing about this hobby. What you should aim for is a solid setting that lets you improvise if needed, while still having a general idea of how the story should be. If you really want to control every single conditions in the game, you should probably consider writing a novel instead.


More loot does NOT equal more fun

This is probably the easiest trap a new Dungeon Master can fall into. Sure, magic items can be exciting. Yes, a flame sword would look pretty badass on your Dragonborn paladin, but there is a time and a place for everything! In the D&D world, magical items are rare and only the most seasoned heroes have some in their possession. As a general rule I tend to drop a few minor magical item starting at level 4. By then, the players have a few games under their belt and it just makes sense that they find a few cool artifacts along the way. What you really don’t want to do is drown your players in magical items, especially at early level. It feels good initially, but very much like any good things in life, having too much of it gets old really fast. To many strong magical items also tend to ruin the game balance. For example, physical attackers such as fighters and rogues might get a lot stronger than their spell caster counter part. This is simply due to the way the system is calibrated. How much damage a fighter does is directly affected by his weapon, while its usually more complicated for the spell casters. Bottom line, it can get really complicated really fast. Trust me on this: a long sword +1 you worked hard for will always be much more rewarding than a vorpal sword that just somehow fell on your lap.

You are not the hero

When I first started to DM, it was mostly because nobody else wanted to do it. As a result, I too wanted to be a hero in my own adventure. There is nothing wrong with creating cool and interesting characters for your campaign, but you gotta be careful about not stealing the show either. Your players should be the main characters of the adventure, they should be the ones slaying dragons and doing meaningful things that shapes the story, not your overpowered super saiyan werewolf wizard thing.


A great story is key

I would say there are three key factor that contributes to a successful campaign on the long run: playing on a regular basis, friendship ( or a sense of belonging), and an immersive story. Much like when writing a novel, you want to aim for an engaging story line that will keep the players (hopefully) emotionally involved. Some people would say you should do a game based of whatever your group want. While I do understand the basic reasoning behind it, I do think you should above all else create a world you are passionate about. After all, you are the one putting an unreasonable amount of hours into preparations, so you want to do whatever is necessary to keep your motivation as high as possible. If you don’t like what you are doing, you will most likely stop working on it midway into the campaign. Remember: Your fun is just as important!

And that’s it! With those simple key factors in mind, go ahead and create epic and memorable moments for you and your players! Oh, one last thing, here are a few items that can help you along the way if you wish to get started or simply push your games to the next level:

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D&D: building your first dungeon



Every Dungeons and Dragons group needs a dungeon master. He is in large part responsible for either the success, or the total failure of a game. Understandably, the pressure is high for new DMs, as you are required to be knowledgeable on most parts of the game. Now don’t panic, nobody expects you to be perfect at first try. You will undoubtedly improve over time, but my job here is to give you a little kick start, so you and your friends can have a great time and start the campaign on a positive note. I figured that learning how to build an interesting and dynamic dungeon should be the first step, as it represents the core of the classic D&D experience.

Monsters are people too!


When you start a dungeon, it is easy draw a bunch of rooms and try to fill them with enemies and stuff. While it is ultimately the goal, you want to have some kind of order behind it all. A dungeon is not just a place for players to explore and kill foes, it is also where your creatures lives. With that in mind, each of the rooms in your dungeon should have some kind of function So before drawing anything on that graph paper of yours, here are a few question that should help you get started :

What kind of monster/people live there?

Is it a dragons lair? A bandit hideout? An insect nest?

How many of them are there?

It will affect the size of the rooms and some more details.

Why are they living in this place to begin with?

A monster could be hiding a treasure there, or maybe it is a hiding spot for outlaws. This is really up to you, it is your world.

Where/what do they eat? Where do they sleep?

Do they have a room for storing food? A kitchen? Do they need a place to sleep? What do they need on a daily basis to survive in this place.

Once you have determined all that, you can start drawing rooms with actual functions. For example, you might need a kitchen, a common bedroom, treasure room and so many other things. It really is up to you, blank rooms with monsters gets boring really fast. Note that these questions might not be an exact fit with what you had in mind, but feel free to adapt them to better suit your purpose.

Traps, locked things.


If a group gets too comfortable in a dungeon, you are doing it wrong. Your players, should feel like bad things could happens the moment they drop their guards. It is also a great time for the Rogue in your group to shine, as they tend to be overshadowed by other characters in battle. Make them feel like they are essential to the group, and they will be less likely to steal from other players (hopefully). A great way to do that is to place traps and locked doors or chests in the dungeon, but make sure you place them at places they wont expect! Of course, you need to keep in mind that the hallway leading to the kitchen shouldn’t be stuffed with mortal traps. You need to be logical as to the location of those!… And try not to be too much of a sadist.

Little details matters.


Sometimes, little and seemingly insignificant things can really bring life to a dungeon. It can be whatever fits with the story you want to tell and does not need to be connected in any way to the quest. For example, a chess game that was stopped mid way, a doll with a little girl’s name written on it, or an half eaten sandwich under a bed! The goal here is to make the players  feel like the place you are building is worth exploring and is much more interesting than just your average ” Door, monster, loot” dungeon.

Variety in encounters.


Having a few different creatures in the same place is a great way to keep things fresh for both the players and yourself. If for some reason you are limited to only one or two monsters, no worries, there are other ways to spice things up. You can change the weapons your creatures are using. The change doesn’t need to be in the creature themselves. For example, the adventurers could be forced to fight on an unstable wooden bridge that threatens to break at any moment, events like that will force players to adapt and stay focused. In my experience, using the environment to make a battle more dynamic is something dungeon masters don’t do nearly enough, and it really brings the experience to the next level.

Visualize it so your players can.


The players will never imagine the place exactly as you would like them to. Each person gets to create his own mental image of the world and that is probably one of the best aspects of Dungeons and Dragons as a whole. That being that, a good description is never a bad thing, as it serves many purposes. Before writing anything down, make sure you have a very clear image in your head. What do you see? What do you smell? What do you hear? Then write it as accurately as you can.

Rewarding loot,but don’t over do it.


You fought hordes of goblins, took your fair share of traps in the face and took down the big bad monster at the end. Experience points are a reward in themselves, but nothing beats a treasure chest after a long dungeon. Be very careful there, for I have seen entire campaigns fall for that reason. Do not give too much loot. You have to understand that powerful loot does not equal more fun. At first, your players will feel great, but believe me when I say; a +1 dagger you worked hard for is a lot more gratifying than an overpowered mythical sword that fell on your laps. People like to feel like they are gradually working toward something epic, cheating is a very short lived thrill and can easily ruin the long term experience. I usually want every player to have at least a little something at the end of a dungeon, as well as a decent amount of gold, but it all depends on the difficulty.

Things you will need.


Pathfinder Flip Mat

A must have. For the longest time I have had a paper mat. The fact that I couldn’t draw anything on it definitely made things a lot more difficult for everyone. Don’t be like me and get a decent mat so you can waste less time on trying to explain the rooms and more time on the actual fun parts.


Player’s Handbook

Dungeon Master’s Guide

Monster Manual

As a player, all you need is a players handbook and you are good to go. As a DM, you will need all of the three core rulebooks. Of course, you can get away with using a PDF version of it, but it is usually much faster and effective to have to real books in front of you.


Dungeon Master’s Screen

This one is really optional because you can craft your own screen with little to no cost. But, if you dont want to spend time putting together charts and other quick reference, you might want to consider this one. On your side of the screen are tools to make your life a little easier, such as a NPC generator as well as a few rule reminders. On the other side, it looks great, if that is something you care about.

Oh and bring dices.. lots of them. Your players will forget to bring them, so you might as well be prepared!



An online Interactive DnD experiment!

After School Warriors is presenting us with yet another project! This time around, it is an experience like no other as you can participate and influence the outcome of the project. Let us introduce you to the first online interactive D&D Experiment by After School Warrior’s creator, Lucas Métivier.

Today is the last day to vote! Will you knock at the door, bash it open or ninja your way in?? It’s up to the community to decide! What awaits you on the other side of the door will be revealed shortly!